The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

2016-01-25 21:04:43

Our company held a funny game successfully in the afternoon of December 12, 2015, and all of our staff joined it.

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

Five people with six feet: five competitors were running embrace together with shouting out: one,two,one,two……

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

The game: turning hula hoop, kicking shuttlecock, rope skipping, playing table tennis, two people running only back touch with a basketball.

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

Five people dancing together, the number one was who finished a large amount in two minutes.

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

This was a war by male to male and female to female!

The Fourth Staff Athletic Game Of XinLi Held Successfully

The campaign held successfully, it enhanced friendship and cohesion between our colleagues. 
And we also knew from this campaign: brother concentric, and its benefits.

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